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Acupuncture is considered safe and effective during pregnancy. It offers complementary care that has multiple benefits to the pregnant woman during all trimesters of her term. And because acupuncture has virtually no side effects, many expectant women now seek this alternative to drug therapy for a number of common pregnancy symptoms.
Stress Management
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine work tremendously to help soothe the nervous system in order to subdue anxiety and ease tension.
Morning Sickness
Studies have found that acupuncture is effective and safe for nausea during pregnancy. It may lessen the intensity and shorten the duration of the symptoms. In instances where queasiness is more persistent, herbs and nutritional counseling may be recommended.
Aches and Joint pain
Aches and pains may increase throughout the body as hormonal and postural changes occur. Some examples of this are: lower back and neck pain, sciatica, wrist pain/carpal tunnel syndrome. As your body makes room for your baby, acupuncture can provide a safe and effective solution to relieve the discomforts that may arise.
Miscarriage Precautionary
Traditional Chinese Medicine may help to prevent some of the causes of first trimester miscarriage by regulating hormones and optimizing progesterone. Optimal progesterone levels are essential for building placenta and for maintaining balance in the uterus for a well sustained pregnancy.
Breech Position
Chinese Medicine for breech has been used since ancient times. A point on the fifth toe (known for its influence on the fetus) is stimulated with an herb: moxa (Mugwort) which is burned over this point. The burning of the moxa stick stimulates heat receptors on the skin of the toe. The heat encourages the release of two pregnancy hormones – placental estrogen and prostaglandins – which lead to uterine contractions. These contractions can then stimulate the baby to move. The technique is non-invasive, painless, and even relaxing. This modality is used in conjunction with other needled points throughout the body. Treatment for breech can start as early as 32-weeks.
Labor Preparation
Acupuncture for labor preparation is used successfully to promote labor naturally when a woman is past due. An expecting woman is advised to begin acupuncture for labor preparation no later than three days past her due date.
The benefits of acupuncture for labor preparation are:
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